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Viviane Bonis
Chemin du Bois de Ferriere


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price from €600






Description for Gite

Discover our stunning gite that boasts expansive terraces showcasing breathtaking panoramic views of the lake and the majestic Pyrenees. Immerse yourself in a plethora of recreational activities including fishing, tennis, swimming, mountain biking, hiking, and skiing.

Indulge in the utmost comfort and luxury with our high-quality services, as evidenced by our prestigious 4-ear ranking. Our chalet comfortably accommodates up to 9 guests, featuring spacious living areas, a fully-equipped kitchen, a cozy living room with a fireplace, four generously-sized bedrooms, a bathroom with a toilet, an indulgent large bath, and an additional separate toilet.


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To get to the department of Aude, head to the picturesque village located above Lake Belcaire.



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extra bed
Holiday Home 1 600 1500




  • Château de Montségur: Located about 22 kilometers away from Chemin du Bois de Ferriere, Château de Montségur is a historic castle perched on a rocky mountain. It played a significant role during the Cathar Crusade and offers stunning panoramic views of the surrounding countryside.
  • Gorges de l'Aude: Situated approximately 17 kilometers from Chemin du Bois de Ferriere, the Gorges de l'Aude is a picturesque river canyon. Visitors can enjoy scenic drives, hiking trails, and opportunities for river activities such as kayaking or fishing.
  • Lac de Montbel: About 30 kilometers away, Lac de Montbel is a beautiful lake surrounded by forests and rolling hills. It offers a tranquil setting for picnicking, swimming, boating, and fishing. There are also several walking and cycling paths around the lake.
  • Mirepoix: Located around 35 kilometers from Chemin du Bois de Ferriere, Mirepoix is a charming medieval town known for its well-preserved half-timbered houses and a central square with a beautiful arcade. It's a great place to stroll, explore the local shops, and enjoy the relaxed atmosphere.
  • Château de Puivert: Situated approximately 45 kilometers away, Château de Puivert is a remarkable castle dating back to the 12th century. It overlooks a lake and offers visitors the chance to explore its ruins, including the impressive keep and a museum showcasing medieval instruments of music.
  • Fontaine de Fontestorbes: Located about 10 kilometers from Chemin du Bois de Ferriere, this natural phenomenon is a unique intermittent spring. The fountain alternates between periods of flowing and disappearing, creating an intriguing spectacle. It's an interesting spot for nature lovers and photographers.
  • Les Forges de Pyrène: Situated approximately 8 kilometers away, Les Forges de Pyrène is an open-air museum dedicated to showcasing traditional crafts and trades of the region. Visitors can witness blacksmithing demonstrations, explore workshops, and learn about local heritage.
  • Château de Foix: Located about 60 kilometers from Chemin du Bois de Ferriere, Château de Foix is an imposing fortress perched on a hill overlooking the town of Foix. It offers guided tours that delve into its medieval history and provides stunning panoramic views of the surrounding Pyrenees mountains. These attractions offer a variety of cultural, historical, and natural experiences, allowing visitors to explore the diverse beauty of the region surrounding Chemin du Bois de Ferriere.

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