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Contact Details:


Dimitri Peeters
Rue Frederic Mistral 22


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Price per night:

price from €75




+32 475845252

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Description for B&B:

Sophisticated guest accommodations featuring private shower facilities, thoughtfully designed for hikers and skiers, complete with a shoe and clothes dryer.


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extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 75 85 320 320


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  • **Montségur Castle**: - **Description**: Perched atop a rocky outcrop, Montségur Castle is one of the most famous Cathar castles and a symbol of the Cathar resistance. It offers stunning panoramic views of the surrounding landscape and is steeped in history, especially related to the Cathar crusades.
  • **Château de Puivert**: - **Description**: This well-preserved medieval castle is located near the village of Puivert. Known for its impressive donjon and stunning views, it also has a museum that showcases medieval musical instruments.
  • **Gorges de la Frau**: - **Description**: A spectacular natural site, the Gorges de la Frau is a deep canyon offering hiking opportunities for nature enthusiasts. The dramatic cliffs and lush vegetation make it a picturesque spot for outdoor activities.
  • **Lac de Montbel**: - **Description**: A large artificial lake popular for leisure activities such as swimming, sailing, and fishing. The surrounding area is ideal for picnics and leisurely walks, with beautiful views of the Pyrenees.
  • **Forges de Pyrène**: - **Description**: A museum and cultural site dedicated to the industrial heritage of the region. It features traditional crafts, historical exhibits, and live demonstrations of old trades, providing an insight into the local history and culture.
  • **Caves of Niaux**: - **Description**: These prehistoric caves are famous for their ancient cave paintings, which date back to the Magdalenian era. Visitors can explore the caves on guided tours to see the well-preserved art and learn about early human history.
  • **Fontestorbes Fountain**: - **Description**: A unique natural phenomenon, this intermittent spring flows rhythmically, creating an intriguing natural spectacle. It's an interesting site for geology enthusiasts and those interested in natural curiosities.
  • **Parc Naturel Régional des Pyrénées Ariégeoises**: - **Description**: This regional natural park offers a vast expanse of pristine landscapes, including mountains, forests, and meadows. It's perfect for outdoor activities such as hiking, bird watching, and exploring the rich biodiversity of the region. These attractions offer a blend of history, culture, and natural beauty, making Lavelanet and its surroundings a fascinating destination for travelers.