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Nadine David
2 Rue de Boursois


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price from €75






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To get to BOURSAULT, you can take a route that is between 10 km and 30 km away from Epernay. Another option is to go to REIMS, which is approximately 20 km away. DORMANS is also about 20 km from BOURSAULT.



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Notes: FAMILY 4 people


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  • Champagne Taittinger: Located in Reims, Champagne Taittinger is a renowned champagne house offering guided tours of its historical cellars and vineyards. Visitors can learn about the champagne-making process and sample their exquisite blends.
  • Reims Cathedral: A UNESCO World Heritage Site, Reims Cathedral is a masterpiece of Gothic architecture. This impressive cathedral was the traditional site for the coronation of French kings and is known for its stunning stained glass windows and intricate sculptures.
  • Palais du Tau: Adjacent to Reims Cathedral, the Palais du Tau is a former residence of the Archbishop of Reims. It now serves as a museum, housing a remarkable collection of religious artifacts, including coronation robes and precious objects from the cathedral's treasury.
  • Cité du Champagne - Musée du Champagne: Situated in Epernay, the Cité du Champagne is a museum dedicated to the history and production of champagne. Visitors can explore the underground cellars, learn about the different champagne houses, and indulge in tastings of various champagne brands.
  • Avenue de Champagne: Located in Epernay, the Avenue de Champagne is renowned for its prestigious champagne houses, including Moët & Chandon and Perrier-Jouët. The avenue features elegant mansions and offers the opportunity to visit champagne cellars and enjoy tastings.
  • Château de Condé: Situated in Condé-en-Brie, Château de Condé is a magnificent Renaissance castle surrounded by picturesque gardens and a moat. The castle offers guided tours that provide insights into its rich history, lavish interiors, and beautiful grounds.
  • Fort de la Pompelle: Located near Reims, Fort de la Pompelle is a historic fortification used during World War I. The fort now serves as a museum, showcasing weapons, uniforms, and artifacts from the war. Visitors can explore the underground tunnels and learn about the fort's role in the conflict.
  • Châlons-en-Champagne: Châlons-en-Champagne is a charming town known for its well-preserved medieval architecture. Visitors can wander through the quaint streets, visit the Saint-Etienne Cathedral, and enjoy the beautiful scenery along the Marne River. These attractions offer a mix of historical, cultural, and gastronomic experiences, allowing visitors to discover the rich heritage and exquisite tastes of the Champagne region in France.

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