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Rolande Magnin
1289 Route De Saint Cezaire



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Price per night:

price from €65



Description for B&B:

Experience the tranquility of our stunning villa, nestled within a serene private residence. Indulge in the comfort of our spacious suite, featuring two bedrooms. The first bedroom boasts a luxurious 160 cm bed, while the second bedroom offers two cozy 90 cm beds. Unwind in the elegant bathroom, complete with a refreshing shower and dual sinks. A separate toilet, along with linen and a hair dryer, are conveniently provided for your convenience.


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Prices in €
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min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
4 65 72


Swimming Pool


  • Lac de Saint-Cassien: Located just a few kilometers from Callian, this picturesque lake offers various water activities such as swimming, fishing, boating, and kayaking. Surrounded by lush greenery, it is an ideal spot for a relaxing day by the water.
  • Grotte de Saint-Cézaire: Explore the stunning underground world of the Grotte de Saint-Cézaire, a cave system filled with impressive stalactites and stalagmites. Guided tours take you through the chambers, showcasing the natural beauty of this geological wonder.
  • Château de Callian: Dominating the village of Callian, the Château de Callian is a medieval fortress with a rich history. Visitors can explore its ancient walls, towers, and courtyards while enjoying panoramic views of the surrounding countryside.
  • Terre Blanche Golf Club: Golf enthusiasts can indulge in a game or two at the renowned Terre Blanche Golf Club. With two championship courses set amidst beautiful Provencal landscapes, this golf club offers a challenging and enjoyable experience for players of all levels.
  • Les Gorges du Verdon: A bit further away but definitely worth the visit, Les Gorges du Verdon is often referred to as the "Grand Canyon of Europe." This breathtaking natural wonder offers hiking trails, stunning viewpoints, and opportunities for water activities like kayaking or rafting.
  • Musée International de la Parfumerie: Located in nearby Grasse, this museum explores the history and art of perfumery. Visitors can learn about the perfume-making process, discover the scents of different eras, and even create their own unique fragrance.
  • Saint-Tropez: Situated on the French Riviera, Saint-Tropez is a glamorous coastal town known for its beautiful beaches, luxury yachts, and vibrant nightlife. Explore the charming old town, enjoy a leisurely stroll along the harbor, or simply relax on the sandy shores.
  • Cannes: Famous for its international film festival, Cannes offers a mix of glamour, culture, and stunning beaches. Walk along the Promenade de la Croisette, visit the iconic Palais des Festivals, or simply soak up the sun on one of the many public or private beaches.
  • Antibes: This charming town features a picturesque old town filled with narrow streets, vibrant markets, and historic buildings. Explore the Musée Picasso, stroll along the medieval ramparts, or visit the stunning Cap d'Antibes with its scenic coastal paths. 10. Nice: As the largest city on the French Riviera, Nice offers a rich blend of history, culture, and natural beauty. Visit the vibrant Old Town (Vieux Nice), explore the famous Promenade des Anglais, or relax on the pebbly beaches while enjoying the azure waters of the Mediterranean Sea.

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