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Marie Funke
33 Rue de la Fontaine à Mulard



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Price per night:

price from €145






Description for B&B:

La Villa Paris is an enchanting 1920s mansion made of red brick, exuding a typical charm. Located in the Butte aux Cailles and parc Montsouris district, this recently opened Parisian Bed and Breakfast has been welcoming guests since February 2007. Designed with meticulous attention to detail, it offers four beautifully furnished bedrooms with private bathrooms, providing the perfect accommodation for weekend getaways, family vacations, and business travelers seeking a cozy and welcoming atmosphere that feels like a home away from home, while ensuring style and comfort.


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For local/public transport options, you can take the subway (metro) from either Tolbiac station on line 7 or Place d'Italie station on lines 5, 6, or 7. Alternatively, you can opt for the RER B (inner city fast urban train) and get off at Cité Universitaire station. If you prefer buses, you can take either the 21 or 67. Additionally, there is a tramway available at Stade Charlety station.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
3 145 oui
(3 pers.)
1 160 35 oui


Credit cards accepted


  • Cité de la Mode et du Design: Located on the banks of the Seine River, this modern complex showcases contemporary design, fashion, and art exhibitions. It also offers stunning views of Paris from its rooftop terrace.
  • Jardin des Plantes: One of the oldest botanical gardens in the world, Jardin des Plantes features beautifully landscaped gardens, a zoo, greenhouses, and a natural history museum. It is a perfect spot for a leisurely stroll or a picnic.
  • National Museum of Natural History: Situated within Jardin des Plantes, this museum houses an extensive collection of fossils, minerals, taxidermy animals, and plant specimens. Visitors can explore the exhibits and learn about the Earth's biodiversity.
  • Grande Mosquée de Paris: This stunning mosque is an architectural gem with intricate tile work, a tranquil courtyard, and a beautiful prayer hall. Visitors can enjoy traditional mint tea at the mosque's tea room and relax in its serene atmosphere.
  • Butte-aux-Cailles: A charming neighborhood known for its artistic vibe and vibrant street art. Butte-aux-Cailles offers quaint cafes, trendy boutiques, and a unique atmosphere reminiscent of a village within the city.
  • Place d'Italie: A bustling square that serves as a major transportation hub. It features a large shopping center, numerous restaurants, and a lively atmosphere. Visitors can also explore nearby Chinatown for a taste of Asian culture and cuisine.
  • Parc de Bercy: Located along the Seine River, this park offers a peaceful retreat with beautiful gardens, vineyards, and a lake. It is an ideal spot for a picnic, a leisurely walk, or relaxation amidst nature.
  • Bibliothèque Nationale de France: The National Library of France is a modern architectural marvel. Its four glass towers house an extensive collection of books, manuscripts, and other historical documents. Visitors can explore the library or enjoy panoramic views from its rooftop terrace.
  • Manufacture des Gobelins: This historic tapestry factory showcases the art of French tapestry weaving. Visitors can take guided tours to learn about the intricate process and admire the stunning tapestries created by skilled artisans. 10. Piscine Joséphine Baker: A unique floating swimming pool located on a barge along the Seine River. It offers stunning views of Paris while providing a refreshing swimming experience. Visitors can relax on the pool deck or take a dip in the river.

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