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Danièle Rossi
Les Bouilladoires


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Price per night:

price from €138




Description for B&B:

Welcome to Danièle and Jean-Philippe's charming Provençal residence, nestled in the serene haven of an olive orchard, surrounded by the fragrant garrigue landscape. Situated near the picturesque village of Gordes, their home offers a tranquil retreat for your enjoyment.


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1 138 148 30 Oui


Swimming Pool


  • Village of Gordes: Located just a short distance from Les Bouilladoires, Gordes is a picturesque hilltop village known for its charming stone houses, narrow cobblestone streets, and stunning views of the surrounding countryside. Visitors can explore the medieval castle, wander through the village's art galleries, and enjoy the local Provençal atmosphere.
  • Abbey of Sénanque: Situated in a serene valley near Gordes, the Abbey of Sénanque is a beautiful Cistercian monastery dating back to the 12th century. Its iconic lavender fields in front of the abbey make it a popular spot for photography enthusiasts. Visitors can take guided tours to learn about the abbey's history and admire its Romanesque architecture.
  • Village des Bories: Just a short drive away from Les Bouilladoires, the Village des Bories is an ancient settlement made up of stone huts known as "bories." These traditional dry stone constructions give visitors a glimpse into the rural life of the past. Visitors can explore the preserved huts and learn about their historical significance.
  • The Ochre Trail of Roussillon: Located in the nearby village of Roussillon, this hiking trail takes visitors through a stunning landscape of vibrant ochre cliffs and quarries. The trail offers breathtaking views of the surrounding countryside and provides insight into the region's ochre mining history. It's a perfect place for nature lovers and photographers.
  • Lavender Fields: Provence is famous for its lavender fields, and several lavender farms can be found near Les Bouilladoires. These fields burst into vivid purple hues during the summer months, creating a fragrant and visually stunning landscape. Visitors can take guided tours or simply enjoy a leisurely walk amidst the aromatic lavender.
  • Fontaine-de-Vaucluse: Situated approximately 15 kilometers from Les Bouilladoires, Fontaine-de-Vaucluse is a charming village known for its natural spring and the picturesque Sorgue River. The village is nestled at the foot of a steep cliff and offers a pleasant setting for a leisurely stroll. Visitors can also explore the Cave of Fontaine-de-Vaucluse, one of the largest underground springs in the world.
  • Luberon Regional Natural Park: Les Bouilladoires lies within the Luberon Regional Natural Park, offering visitors numerous opportunities to explore its natural beauty. The park is characterized by its diverse landscapes, including rolling hills, vineyards, and forests. It provides ample trails for hiking, cycling, and picnicking, allowing visitors to immerse themselves in the tranquility of nature. These attractions near Les Bouilladoires provide a mix of cultural, historical, and natural experiences, showcasing the beauty and charm of the Provence region in France.

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