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Contact Details:


Wilhelm Kleinholtz
Les Fonds Blancs. BP 12
Le François


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price from €150




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You can reach François by sea through the fishing port.



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4 150 50 oui


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  • Les Salines de l'Orient - Located in Le François, Les Salines de l'Orient is a beautiful salt marsh where you can learn about the traditional salt production process. Take a guided tour and discover the stunning landscapes while gaining insights into the island's history and culture.
  • Habitation Clément - A historic plantation turned museum, Habitation Clément offers a fascinating glimpse into Martinique's rum production and the island's history. Explore the beautiful gardens, visit the art gallery, and learn about the rum-making process through interactive displays.
  • Le François Mangrove - Embark on a boat tour through the Le François Mangrove and discover the unique ecosystem of this coastal area. Marvel at the dense mangrove forests, spot various bird species, and learn about the importance of mangroves for the environment.
  • Îlet Oscar - A small islet located near Le François, Îlet Oscar is known for its pristine beaches and crystal-clear waters. Take a boat trip to the islet and enjoy swimming, snorkeling, or simply relaxing on the sandy shores.
  • La Savane des Esclaves - Situated in Trois-Îlets, La Savane des Esclaves is an open-air museum dedicated to showcasing the history and culture of Martinique's African heritage. Explore the traditional huts, learn about the daily life of enslaved people, and participate in workshops to gain a deeper understanding of the island's past.
  • Les Gorges de la Falaise - Located in Le Robert, Les Gorges de la Falaise offers a picturesque hiking trail through lush vegetation and rocky landscapes. Enjoy the refreshing natural pools, waterfalls, and breathtaking views along the way.
  • Le Robert's Distillery - Visit the Le Robert's Distillery and learn about the traditional rum-making process. Take a tour of the distillery, witness the various stages of rum production, and sample some of the finest local rums.
  • La Maison de la Canne - Situated in Trois-Îlets, La Maison de la Canne is a museum dedicated to sugar cane and its importance in Martinique's history. Discover the cultivation techniques, learn about the sugar-making process, and explore the exhibits showcasing the island's agricultural heritage.
  • Anse Michel - A secluded beach located near Le François, Anse Michel offers tranquility and natural beauty. Enjoy the pristine white sands, turquoise waters, and magnificent views of the surrounding hills. 10. Le Musée de la Pagerie - Located in Trois-Îlets, Le Musée de la Pagerie is a museum dedicated to Empress Josephine, the wife of Napoleon Bonaparte. Explore the exhibits showcasing her life, personal belongings, and the history of the period she lived in. These tourist attractions near Les Fonds Blancs offer a diverse range of experiences, from exploring the island's history and culture to enjoying its natural beauty and outdoor activities.